Marijn van Kreij
Kamiyama Artist in Residence 2016 artist
The multifaceted work of Dutch artist Marijn van Kreij often takes existing imagery, texts and music as a starting point to consider their meaning when utilized in a new, carefully constructed, highly personal setting. Departing from the belief that art is made in reaction to art and in recognition of art, making contact with other artists or musicians forms a crucial part of his practice. This contact may vary from ‘simply’ using a fragment of a Picasso painting – which is then reproduced in paint and repeated over a large sheet of paper – to getting in touch with fellow artists for a joint project. Most recently his series on paper based on Picasso’s late studio pictures have become a catalyst to reflect further upon questions of reclusion and being ‘in the world’, the life of art and art of life. The common denominator within all his endeavours is a search for a dialogical functioning of art. Marijn van Kreij lives and works in Amsterdam. He studied at AKV St. Joost in Breda and was a resident artist at Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam. (text in 2016)
The Palm at the End of the Mind
-Works on paper (clockwise from entrance)
Untitled (Picasso, The Studio, 1956, The Palm at the End of the Mind, Kenny), 2016
Gouache, kakishibu and pencil on Awagami paper, 283 x 210 cm
Untitled (Picasso, Reclining Nude with a Man Playing the Guitar, 1970), 2016
Gouache and pencil on paper, collage, 193 x 151 cm
Untitled (Picasso, Nude in the Studio, 1953, Jinryo Elementary School), 2016
Gouache and pencil on paper, collage, 174 x 136,5
Painted together with children of Jinryo Elementary School, Kamiyama
-Hanging object
Ma/間, 2016
Wooden clappers (Hyōshigi) and found objects from the studio, dimension variable
Visitors are invited to mark their time spend in the exhibition by hitting the clappers after entering and just before leaving the space.
Wallace Stevens, Of Mere Being, 1954
Interpretations of some modernist sitting objects by Yu Kono, Kamiyama
Military Stool (Gerrit Rietveld)
Japanese cedar with sumi ink, shrine gate paint and oil
Library Stool #42 (Donald Judd)
Japanese cedar with kakishibu and oil
Ulmer Hocker (Max Bill)
Japanese cedar with oil, combined with cherry wood branch