Naoko Hayashida
2001 Kamiyama Artist in Residence Participant
In Kamiyama from October 1 to November 12, 2001
Born in Tokyo, 1065. BFA (Oil Painting), Musashino Art University. Rather than drawing simple representations of scenery itself, Hayashida produces "ochvisualizations" of an area, incorporating its climate, nature, and history. SHe has received critical acclaim for her various solo and group exhibitions held since 1993. At KAIR, she created an oil painting entitled "Green Flow", inspired by the mountain stream that runs past Higanji temple. She also engaged in extracurricular activities, such as working with local children to make a kami shibai (an old form of theater in which a story is described through pictures) based on old folk tales of Kamiyama.
Sharp eyes gather human thoughts.
A picture, just like a person, breathes the trail of
the passing of time, of a fragile life.
If an artist paints a flower, and we see it as a
flower, it is no longer a picture.
Can the spirit of green, the time of greenness,
be painted? Millions of dreams live in an ancient
waterfall. A mountain stream reveals to
us the senselessness of city life.
Water that runs through the forest trees, water
that flows with the dreams of a village.
Living there, a life which has never been seen,
will not end. A silent toast.
The author is unknown… the oracle knows.
We drink the water which flows on into the nether
world. In painting as in life, it is all the same.
(Musashino Art University, Department of Art Culture Professor: Ryu Niimi)