Bank, Post, Telephone

Diary 2008.3.21


投稿者:Art in Kamiyama


-The ATMs at the post office can accept most foreign bank cards and credit cards, but most Bank ATMs cannot.

-Most ATMs close at 7pm and do not open again until about 8:00 the following morning.

-If you bring any Travellers Checks or foreign currency, it is best to get them changed into yen while you are at the airport, or in Tokushima City. There’s nowhere to exchange them in Kamiyama. It is easier to just carry cash or withdraw money from your home account at the Postal ATM. 

For more information on Banking in Japan, see this article in Japan Guide.

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Postal Services

-The post office ATM has English menus and supports foreign bank cards. However, they don't always work on the first try. Usually the third time is the charm, so don't give up too early!

-If you want to send a parcel back home, “small packet” via SAL (economy air) is the cheapest for packages up to 2kg in weight. However, letters are not allowed to be included in small packets. Either send the letter separately or just say there's not letter, but be warned! If customs officials find the letter, they may confiscate your parcel.

For more information about postal services in Japan, see this article in Japan guide.

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-SIM cards:  Travelers sim cards are offered by the various companies.  Most of them are available for a specified time period (ex. one week) or for a specified max amount of data.  They can be purchased at airports, selected sotres in japan or via the online stores for delivery to your home or hotel.  Some stores have services that you could pick up at the convinience stores near by.  

-Many foreign mobile phones do not work in Japan, even if they are “global roaming” phones. If you want to use a mobile phone during your stay, you can rent one at the airport when you arrive.

-Many visitors find that using Skype or a similar service is the easiest and cheapest way to make international calls.

For more information on telephone use in Japan, see this article in Japan Guide.


Art in Kamiyama

Articles by Art in Kamiyama


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