Domestic-Wild ドメスティックワイルド







もう一方の枯れ木作品のタイトルはWild Heartワイルドハート)です。






“Termites”, “Wild Heart”


"The care and protection of forests in Japan, and the respect for long-lived and sacred trees, is admirable.
The Japanese term Kami does not designate divinities as absolute beings creators of the world and life since it makes no difference between the Creative Being and the created. Both things are Creator and Creation at the same time.

Contact with nature is being close to divinity.
I have carved into these dead trees until I reached their hearts.

I would not like to explain the meaning of these creations, because they should explain it themselves, and hopefully penetrate the heart of each one of you.

-I can only tell you about the inspiration that drove them:

We’re going to call the intervention on that dead tree: Termites.
It is a metaphor that you will quickly understand when you approach it. Even the children from Kamiyama school can also explain something to you about it since we did a workshop with them based on this topic.

We’re going to call the intervention on this other dead tree: Wild Heart.
There is no other simpler, more primitive geometric shape that condenses as much power as the sphere.
The sphere is the primary geometric shape of nature.
The atoms are round, the cells, the uterus, the eye and the sun…so the sphere is the shape that represents creation.
On the other hand, fuxia pink is the color that humans use to mark and mark forests, here in Japan as well as in Europe. The color pink is used to mark trees that are dead, those that need to be cut, to mark paths or areas. Definitely the color pink is the color of human domestication in nature.
(On the other hand, the color pink will also be for us from now on the representation of Nikkolai San. Nikkolai San: you can take it as a tribute from us and know that you have been a source of inspiration, that you have given us the thread, or the ribbon, to start this creation. We are even going to introduce the color Nikkolai San Pink into the universal pantone of colors.)

Here in Kamiyama, we have given new life to these two dead trees, sculpting their trunk to reach their hearts and thus, in some way, consolidate the forest in the hearts of the Japanese."

Ariane Patout