English Parents in Kamiyama – Day 7

Diary 2011.12.24



The English Parents want to have a little walk up the old roads i’ve been banging on about for a while (the old paths that wind up through the forest, now used only by hunters and wild animals, and me).
I go around the back of the house to sharpen my nata (machete).  An English Parent asks ‘Are you going to need that?’
‘I might; it’s always good practice to carry a knife when you go walking in the forests’
‘Oh, well don’t mention that to your mum, she will get too worried’
‘Ok, i’ll try not to’

So I shoulder my blade under the jacket and get my camera and some gloves.  English Parents are already outside with full gear on and walking sticks.  We set off down the road and I am feeling conspicuous, especially carrying this bamboo spear I made for inoshishi.  I decide against carrying it: there is no way I could explain that one to the English Parents without worrying them.

English Parents are peckish.  Bought some sweet bread from Wada shop.  (Below, concentrating on opening the bag of cake)


English Parent asks ‘Have you got your map?’
‘Ooh no’
‘We won’t need it’
‘Ooh I hope so’


Nervously walking the path.


A break for cake (sponge like madeira but less moist).


Another break for cake (vanilla stick).


Almost at the top now.  The sense of relief is clear when the English Parents stumble out onto the road.  I have decided against taking the old path back down the hill, through the forest.  It’s just too overgrown and the English Parents are just a little too civilised to tackle it at the moment (tweed suit, handmade coat).  We take the road back, but it loops right around and it’s going to be a good 8 km walk.
English Parents like to observe things.  Taking pictures of a tin basket lined with bamboo and a brush fashioned from a bunch of twigs.  Views.  ‘How high up are we now?’
‘Well, from the map that peak over there is around 700 meters, and we are just over half way up so…350 meters about, whats that about 1000ft.’

It looks like snow soon, and then I feel spots of snow on my nose.  


We pick up the pace and the wind is cutting through me.


After joining the main road the snow turns to rain and my jacket has a fine layer of water droplets stuck to it.  ‘I want to see monkeys’ says the English Parent.
My lower back is beginning to ache from tramping on the tarmac and concrete road surface.
Following the old road (pre-bypass) that winds around with the river is nice.  The clusters of traditional houses, 50% of them empty and decaying look beautiful whatever state they are in.  Couldn’t people in Tokushima use these as holiday homes like people in France do? Wonders an English Parent out aloud..
At the last junction, we hear monkeys screetching.  Suddenly we are shocked by all the cars around us (we hadn’t seen any on the walk up until now) and it begins to pour with rain.  The monkeys screetch.

Later on, the English Parents manage to hobble into the car for some yakiniku.  Chopsticks are problematic tonight.




Itoi-san - Kanuma soil. Likes salmon sashimi, dislikes entrails of sea cucumber. Ru-san - Lancashire hotpot. Creative type. Likes being outdoors. Dislikes status. Together we are ITOI ARTS a project in divergent creativity in the mountains of Shikoku, Japan. 四国の山奥、多様な創作、アートとは。 //イベント時のみオープン// \\ふだんはただの家//

Articles by itoi+ru-san


  • ” 格好が、いかにもイギリス人っぽいわ ” ” ルーさんって、良いとこの子とちゃうの? ” ・・とは、ご両親を、このブログで見たうちのかみさんと娘の感想。 僕もそう思う。 ひょっとして、ご両親、オックスフォード大学出身とか・・・? Were your parents Ox-ford 's boy and girl ? (えりちゃん、これで意味通じるかな?エヘヘ)

    12/24/2011 12:09 AM | ニコライ

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